Lifted Dreamscapes

Our activation can be considered a scaled representation of San Francisco’s cityscape and uses protruding tubes to represent scale and density of the urban environment. In our final iteration we are combining the ideas of the balloon tower and the undulating elevated plane to create an interactive experience that invites people to determine how their “city” looks, feels, and functions. Instead of just one tower to catch balloons we’re proposing multiple towers across an entire surface located 6-8 feet off the ground. Because of the surface’s raised elevation the towers will be naturally depressed in the morning, before anyone interacts with the activation. This will divide the space below the surface into interesting, varied spaces, inviting people to explore. Once on the site users will be encouraged to interact however they please, including releasing balloons up to the underside of the surface. As people add balloons to the underside of the surface they will collect between the depressed tubes until it reaches a point where the balloons start to push each tube up and out the top of the surface. Over the entire day the activation will be continuously changing, specifically becoming more colorful and playful as more people leave their mark on the site. At the end of the day the result will be something that exists only because of the users and the unique mark that each made.